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A Bit of Everything

Frantically framing though still in holiday mode! On Tuesday I'm going up 
to Verduno to hang this exhibition - exciting - it's in a castle believe it or not, 
see it here. More soon.



Not really a Summer Sale

This is really more about aligning prices between different types of work: prints, both digital and more artisan, as well as originals. Anyone involved in selling their work knows how incredibly difficult it is to price it and in the last few years, with people investing less in art, it's become even more difficult. I started making digital prints of some originals to make them more accessible, experimenting with small editions sometimes and signed non-editions with images I thought would have a longer life. 

Then I started getting into the world of fine art printmaking, experimenting with monotypes, woodcuts and more recently screenprints. Most of these are not editions, but one-offs, either because they are monoprints, of because of a collage base, or additions I make by hand or using rubber stamps. 

I'm currently getting some work ready for an exhibition in an amazing castle in Verduno, in Piemonte this September - more about that soon - where I'll be showing work in a sumptuous but almost domestic setting which has inspired me to choose several different styles. It has also prompted me to look at prices across the range of my work, from commissioned to not, in very different styles and formats.

So this is a rather round about way of saying that the prices of the screenprints on the EastWestPrint Etsy shop have gone down. If you'd like to see them, they are here.


Sabbatical screenprints

Last November, finding myself with no commissioned work to speak of 
for the first time in several decades, I decided to experiment with different 
print techniques at the lovely A14 in Milan. Beatrice and Mira at EastWestPrint 
now have some of my screenprints available in their online shop, along with 
lots of other interesting things - do go and have a look!


Not a collection of jugs

    An old friend asked me if I was hoarding, don't be silly, I answered, I'm ready to do lots of pouring, and in great style with these jugs and others that I do not possess. 'Another Jug' prints and originals are on show at the moment in Udine at Temporary/Permanent, a delightful little gallery run by Toni Casula and Giovanna Durì. Do go along and have a look if you're in the area. 

    Un vecchio amico mi ha chiesto se stavo accumulando brocche in modo compulsivo, ma no, che sciocco, ho risposto, mi sto preparando per poter versare molto, e a questo punto sono pronta, in grande stile con queste brocche ed altre che per ora non possiedo. Potere vedere 'Another Jug' stampe e originali in questi giorni a Udine, nella deliziosa galleria Temporary/Permanent, gestita da Toni Casula e Giovanna Durì. Fate un salto a trovargli se siete in zona.


New Year resolutions

Be more organised about online stuff - - - - - so
I just updated my portfolio on the Association
of Illustrators website!
Here's the link


Green Christmas . Fonderia Napoleonica . Isola

I'll be participating with Lucio Passerini of Editore Il Buon Tempo, 
this Saturday and Sunday in Milan. Do come by and say hello!


Sail into February with laurel

Here's my latest collage for Gardenia magazine. I used some
leftovers from the brilliant job I did for the Swiss company
de Sede before Christmas ( )
with Carla Mantero and Fulvia Carmagnini -
grazie ragazze (-: